Sonatrach SeaCorridor

Commercial services

Transmed commercial team supports its customers within the Transport Service provided.

Furthermore, it collaborates to identify initiatives to support the business, ensuring cross-functional coordination also with TTPC, the operator offering transport services on the interconnected trans-Tunisian pipeline.

For more information on how to become a client of Transmed and TTPC, download the booklet.

Contractual definition and management

Contractual definition and management

Development of tariff systems

Development of tariff systems

Granting of transport capacities

Granting of transport capacities

Agreements with upstream and downstream interconnected

Agreements with upstream and downstream interconnected


PRISMA platform

Transmed is present on PRISMA, Europe's leading web platform in the purchase and sale of transmission capacity. Through PRISMA, TSOs, SSOs and shippers market transmission capacity at the primary and secondary market level. All processes involving the conferral of the transmission capacity managed by Transmed and TTPC are finalized on the PRISMA platform.

Calendar of booking windows

The calendar allows you to view all the booking windows and the deadlines within which to book transport capacity within the currently active Offer.


Useful Documentation

The continuous transportation capacity on the trans-Mediterranean pipeline, which remained uncommitted after Transmed's previous offers, is offered on the PRISMA platform, on a first come first served basis, through the following capacitive products:

  • Gas Year and multiples thereof, starting on October 1st, 2024
  • Calendar Year and multiples thereof, starting on January 1st, 2025
  • Quarters of Gas Year 2024-2025 (Q4 2024, Q1, Q2 and Q3 2025)
  • Months of Gas Year 2024-2025
  • Weeks of Gas Year (7 days Sat-Fri or Sun-Sat) of Gas Year 2024-2025
  • Week Working Days (5 days Mon-Fri) of Gas Year 2024-2025
  • Weekends (2 days Sat-Sun) of Gas Year 2024-2025
  • Days-Ahead of Gas Year 2024-2025

Interested parties will find here below the Offer Procedure (“Procedure FCFS 2024-25 Offer”) and its relevant attachments: Key Contractual Terms of the Gas Transportation Agreement, Registration Form, Declaration, Power of Attorney, and Focus on Credit Limit. Participation in the Offer is through the PRISMA platform only ( Applicants already having an active assignment with Transmed on the PRISMA platform must submit an updated Power of Attorney and Declaration if those already provided do not comply with the templates attached here or have already expired. Applicants not having an active assignment with Transmed on the PRISMA platform are kindly requested to register on the PRISMA platform and to submit to Transmed all the required documentation pursuant to the Procedure. As with previous Transmed offers, the Offer provides for a coordinated and linked allocation of capacity on both TMPC and TTPC transportation systems. The booking process for bundled Transmed/TTPC transportation capacity will be entirely managed through the PRISMA platform.


Downloadable documents