Sonatrach SeaCorridor

About us

Transmed SpA was established in Milan on 12 September 2005. It is a joint company with equal shareholding of the Italian company SeaCorridor (a joint governance company Eni and Snam) and the Algerian company Sonatrach.



In this section, all Urgent Market Messages (UMMs) are reported as required by EU regulation [Regulation (EU) No. 1227/2011 (REMIT)] concerning information transparency.



TRANSMED First Come First Served Offer 2024-25

(hereinafter the “Offer”)

TRANSMED informs that the firm transportation capacity on the offshore pipeline system across the Strait of...


TRANSMED Booking Windows Calendar

With reference to TRANSMED First Come First Served Offer 2023-24, published on June 21st, please find below the relevant TTPC and TRANSMED Booking ...


TRANSMED First Come First Served Offer for Primary Capacity from October 1st, 2023

TRANSMED First Come First Served Offer 2023-24

(hereinafter the “Offer”)

TRANSMED informs that the firm transportation capa...