Sonatrach SeaCorridor



Transmed S.p.A. - Offer for Primary Capacity from October 1st, 2021

TRANSMED informs that the firm transportation capacity on the offshore pipeline system across the Strait of Sicily, from the Cap Bon Delivery Point to the Mazara del Vallo Redelivery Point, remaining uncommitted after TRANSMED previous offers is now available on a “First Come First Served” basis.

The offered products are:

- Gas Year and multiples thereof, starting on October 1st, 2021

- Calendar Year and multiples thereof, starting on January 1st, 2022

- Quarters (“Q”) of Gas Year 2021-2022:

  • Q4 2021
  • Q1 2022
  • Q2 2022
  • Q3 2022

- Months of Gas Year 2021-2022.

Interested Parties will find in attachment below the following documents:

  • Key Contractual Terms of the Gas Transportation Agreement (“GTA”) between TRANSMED and Shipper
  • Registration Form
  • Declaration.

Shippers already registered with TRANSMED need to be aware that the Declaration must in any case be re-submitted.

Please note that, in order to ensure a coordinated and linked assignment of capacity on the entire transportation system, TRANSMED has reached an understanding with Trans Tunisian Pipeline Company S.p.A. (“TTPC”), whereby an assignee of capacity pursuant to the TTPC FCFS 2021-2022 Offer shall be entitled to have access to TRANSMED capacity for the same quantity and for the same duration assigned by TTPC (TTPC).

Please also be informed that the above mentioned available transportation capacity does not include the corresponding capacity at the Entry Point in Mazara del Vallo on the Snam Rete Gas network system.

For further information, including to request the full text of the official French version of the GTA, please send an email to